
Social Work

How we work

We know that often whaanau are the best people to identify their own needs. By walking alongside we can support development, growth, and independence through mana enhancing practice.

We believe using a holistic approach to address complex needs is better achieved when whaanau are empowered to restore the mauri in their pursuit to whaanau ora.

Pohatu & Pohatu (2011)

What we do

  • Wrap-around-support for individuals and whaanau
  • Elder Abuse Response - for kaumatua/elderly 65yrs and over experiencing or at risk of abuse and neglect
  • Oho Waananga is for waahine maa - 4 wks - for women who have experienced or living in family & sexual harm, addictions and/or mental health
  • Secondary schools youth empowerment programme - builds relationships with students to encourage positive growth in education and community.
Photo by Rob Suisted, Nature's Pic Images, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND. Photo copyright to Rob Suisted - All rights reserved. Fees payable for all uses.  Please contact us for licencing at:  Email: robsuisted@naturespic.com

How do I access the Service?

Call Franklin Family Support Services on 09 238 6233 and one of our team will speak with you directly or click on the red 'Refer' botton on the top right corner and we will be in touch.

Social Service Team


Louise Edwards

Practice Manager

Registered Social Worker


Liesl Holtzhauzen

Registered Social Worker


Jessica Taylor

Registered Social Worker


Suzanne Kahui


Community Support