We have rebranded to Mai Lighthouse on 3rd February, 2025. Our new website is being developed at www.mailighthouse.org.nz however all the information remains correct on this Franklin Family Support website.

Franklin Family Support Services

Welcome to Franklin Family Support Services.
We are a leading agency for social services across the Franklin District and North Waikato.

We offer a wide range of supports to help you and your whānau, and if we can't help you ourselves we will reach out to find other community groups who can.

Our scope of work currently covers social work, counselling, parenting, budgeting and financial capability, and a transport service. You can learn more about each service in our menu at the top.

Our two offices are based in Pukekohe and Tuakau. In our Tuakau office at 5 George Street we have an Op Shop with good quality clothing for all ages.

We are fortunate to hold the Heartlands MSD contract for our area which enables us to host a range of Government agencies at our hub in Pukekohe. This includes a regular Justice of the Peace (JP) service three mornings a week.

Our community hub is able to be hired by community groups and currently hosts 'Getting Smoke Free' (Smoking Cessation) and Fathers for Families groups.

We have free 15-minute lawyer appointments each week as well as Community Law appointments available once a month.

Get in touch to talk to our team today about how we can support your family.

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